I have exactly the same problem as Mariano, with RedHat.  What are the
"features"?  How do we circumvent them? 


Jon Carnes wrote:
>Are you installing this on a Linux box?  What Distribution?  Red Hat
>adds some interesting security "features" to Sendmail that need to be
>circumvented for Mailman to work properly.

>Good Luck!

          On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 09:47, Mariano Liceaga wrote:
          > I downloaded the last version from the list.org site,
          > installed it with no problem, configured the cron job
          > and created a test list. The notification to the owner
          > of the list was correctly sent. 
          > The problem is when I try to suscribe or ask for help
          > to the list (sending a mail to test-request@myhost
          > with the subjects 'subscribe' or 'help') never receive
          > a confirmation message or any answer at all. The
          > mailman queue directory is empty, so I guess that
          > mailman is not receiving the mails.

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