Geoff Shang wrote:

>On Mon, 1 Feb 2010, Mark Sapiro wrote:
>> If the site's VERP_CONFIRMATIONS setting is Yes as it is at,
>> the confirmation is From: listname-confirm+<token>@... with Subject:
>> Your confirmation is required to join the listname mailing list, and
>> the reply is to listname-confirm+<token>@... and this should work too.
>But it didn't.  I don't remember having problems signing up to this list, 
>but that was 4 months ago so I don't really remember.

It worked for me when I tried it just now.

>At any rate, the confirmation message text is incorrect for this 

Granted. We can look at changing that for MM 3.

>> If you received a reply that your message Subject was ignored, either
>Actually, to be precise, it said that it was "unprocessed".

Which says that the message was processed by cmd_request and not by
cmd_confirm. I don't know how that could have happened if you actually
sent it to mailman-developers-confirm+<token>, and it
didn't happen when I just tried it.

>> the To: address didn't match VERP_CONFIRM_REGEXP or the reply wasn't
>> sent to the -confirm address, or the site's MTA doesn't correctly
>> deliver mail addressed to listname-confirm+<token>@... . I don't think
>> it's the third alternative in this case.
>Well I still have the message I sent:
>Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2010 14:30:24 +0200 (IST)
>From: Geoff Shang <>
>     org
>Subject: Re: Your confirmation is required to join the Mailman-Developers
>     mailing list
>> If the above doesn't explain what went wrong, post the message you
>> received in reply to your reply.
>Sorry, I don't still have it.  But I guess I could generate one.
>At any rate, it's not a good advertisment.

I just tried it twice with different subscribed addresses, once with a
web generated request and once with a request mailed to

In both cases, I received a confirmation email like the one you
received and just pressed reply and send and both confirmations were
accepted and resulted in a list welcome message

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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