Hello again, Jon. Does this mean that there is no way to shut off the CC: entry if using Full Personalization? Is there a reason these two concepts are connected with each other? I am not sure why turning on personalization should result in a CC: being added.


David Alexander
Opal Computing

> ...A few people on this list have mentioned that they also see a CC: to the
> list on every transmission, as we do, but I have not seen a definite
> explanation or "fix". Someone said it occurs when sending with Full
> Personalization, but this was not confirmed. Since I can not successfully
> create and use new lists ( see above :--) ), I can not test this either.

They are correct.

I suggest that you use the web-admin and look at each list's setup.  In
particular look at the admin and moderator email addresses (and make
sure that those addresses point to YOU!).

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