Folks --

OS: Red Hat Linux
OS Version: RHEL 5.6
MailTransfer Agent (MTA): postfix
MTA Version: 2.3.3-2.1
Mailman Version: 2.1.9 release 6.el5 (yikes!)

Over a year ago, I added some code to to add a custom header of 
my choosing to all messages on all lists for this installation, and all was 
well.  Right now, some of the lists apply the custom header, and just a few 
(but more than one), do NOT.  I don't think that should even be possible, but 
it certainly is happening.

Any ideas on how this could be happening and how to fix it?

Additional information:  About a month ago, the custom header disappeared 
completely from everywhere, and when I looked at the files somehow had been reverted to an earlier state that did not contain my 
changes.  So, I overwrote that configuration with the backup of my version and 
ran /bin/restart.  Everything worked just fine on ALL lists for a couple of 
weeks, and then this strange problem came up.  I've checked, and 
it contains the desired changes.  I've since run /bin/restart and /bin/stop 
with /bin/start, but the problem persists.

I have complete sudo access to this virtual machine, so there should be no 
restrictions on what I can do; but I'm a novice when it come to linux usage.

Any help is appreciated,
Drew Tenenholz
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