At 11:29 AM 3/28/2003, Ben Ostrowsky wrote:
We've got about 20 lists, some of which have hundreds of subscribers, but it's
time to upgrade to 2.1.1.  (We're planning to install Mailman 2.1.1 on a new

Am I doomed? Our usual Linux consultant is stumped. Suggestions welcomed.

Why would you consider yourself doomed? Are there particular problems that would prevent you from upgrading? Has your Linux consultant looked at the Upgrade instructions shipped with Mailman?

I upgraded all of my servers from 1.1 to 2.1.1, and have never regretted it. I don't have very many lists with just hundreds of subscribers -- quite a few with thousands, but few with just hundreds -- but none of them had any problems.

The upgrade instructions provided with v2.1.1 are very good, and I think it has even been updated since I did my upgrades, with details of everything you need to do.

I did backups of each server prior to the upgrade so I could restore if I had to. But, fortunately, I didn't have to use any of them.


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