Greg Westin hath declared on Thursday the 11 day of July 2002  :-:
> I think I'm all set now... sorry about the trouble.  But if anyone can 
> tell me any particular changes I should make to my configuration so that 
> things work better with Postfix, please let me know.  I think I did what 
> the install FAQ recommends for Postfix, creating another aliases 
> database in the mailman folder, etc, but other than that I don't think 
> I've done anything Postfix-specific.

> >3.  I know there was something else, but I've forgotten it.  Here's a 
> >question: can anyone tell me how to get Postfix to start automatically 
> >when I log in?  The tutorial I used to set it up gave instructions to 
> >do so, but I still have to start it manually every time I restart.
If I recall correctly you can replace the sendmail startup script in 
/System/Library/StartupItems/Sendmail/ with a script that starts
postfix, generally "/path/to/postfix start". I don't recall if
there are Start/Stop/Restart/etc options in that script, I'm sure 
that you can figure it out...

Then just make sure that you have `` MAILSERVER=-YES- '' in
/etc/hostconfig so that sendmail (now postfix) will be automatically
started on boot.

Note, this is from my shabby memory, so I could be mistaken, 
I'm sure a bit of googling should set you straight.

- bobb

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