On Mon, 2003-07-14 at 13:27, Eric McDonald wrote:
> I've posted this several times now.  Am I asking the wrong question, not
> providing enough information, or?  It seems that even the most simple of
> questions are being answered, and I don't understand why this might be
> off-topic.
> *****
> Hi everyone:
> I have a list server that's tied to a news server through the gateway,
> specifically soc.nonprofit.org
> When someone posts a message to the newsgroup, it gets forwarded to the
> nonprofit list server that I maintain, but if one of the users on the
> listserver has the mail bounced back, and then it's approved by the
> administrator, then the bounce goes all the way back to the original
> poster on the newsgroup (not the whole newsgroup itself).
> Is there any way to make list server bounces transparent to those who
> are posting to the newsgroup?
> Thanks in advance,
> Eric McDonald
> Systems Admin, RAIN Network
Well since no one has answered, I'll kick in my 2 cents.  I've done this
integration for a few folks, and for similar reasons to what you
describe, I use an external script to move mailing list mail out to the
News server.  It's a bit of a pain, but it lets you filter out these
kinds of things.

Alternately, you can pull the Newslist mail into your mailman list using
an external app, and modify the From to a generic user so that any
bounces get dumped.

You could do this by hacking the code to Mailman as well.

I've tried adding headers to mail pulled from the Newslists (Mailman
does this for you already), but if the users MUA is silly enough to
bounce the message from a mailing list, then it's silly enough to *not*
include those headers as well....

Good Luck - Jon Carnes

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