Guy Waugh wrote:
>I would like to be able to subscribe people to a Mailman 2.1.5 list by 
>sending an email to the Mailman server. The list is set up such that 
>subscription requests require the list administrator's approval before 
>becoming active.

Go to the FAQ at and read
article 4.33 if you're interested in another way of subscribing users
from the web.

>It looks like it is possible to subscribe to a list via email by sending 
>a mail to '<listname>-subscribe@<listhost>', but I can't seem to locate 
>doco on the email structure required (if any).

There isn't any required structure for mail sent to the -subscribe or
-join address. Both the subject and body can be empty or not.

>I'd like, if possible, to subscribe users via the email method without 
>the list administrator having to approve the subscription request. The 
>email would be sent by a script that I use to add users to my systems.
>Can anyone tell me if this is possible? Ideally, if it is possible, the 
>subscription request email would contain the list admin password, I 
>guess, or else anyone could subscribe themselves via the email method...

I don't think it is possible to do this.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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