Thanks again for the reply. They have given me some ideas to think about to
make it all more streamlined. Please forgive me again for not making
something clear enough in my previous reply.
Grant wrote:
1. Create the "main" list, as an umbrella
2. Create a
On 04/29/09 19:43, Charles Rosenberg wrote:
Thank you for this suggestion, Brad. I did take a look around to see
what was out there. To be honest, the ones I saw seemed to be a bit
overkill for what I need. After thinking about the setup a lot more,
I determined that contrary to my original
Thank you to everyone who replied and gave me ideas and directions to pursue
further. After reading all of the replies so far, I feel that I should clarify
and respond to some of the questions raised to help me and others:
> Brad Knowles wrote:
> If you want a two-way anonymizing system, that
On 04/28/09 01:14, Charles Rosenberg wrote:
5. In addition to number 4, I setup a special "reply-to" address
where all replies should go to.
Is the "reply-to" address set to the mailing list or a different
address? (I'm guessing different but I figured I had better ask to be
Charles Rosenberg wrote:
> After receiving a message through the “reply-to” address, I want the
> original poster to be able to send a single message back to the
> “replier,” possibly answering some question. Problem: I can’t have
> the “poster” know the individual address of the “replier,” nor
on 4/28/09 1:14 AM, Charles Rosenberg said:
After receiving a message through the “reply-to” address, I want the
original poster to be able to send a single message back to the
“replier,” possibly answering some question. Problem: I can’t have
the “poster” know the individual address of the “re
Hello all. I am new here, but trying my best to learn as much as possible. I
searched far and wide through the Internet/FAQ and archives, but I think my
question is rather unique.
My Setup:
Ubuntu 9.04 with newest Postfix and Dovcot running
The steps I took and have done are as follows