[Mailman-Users] how are large distribution lists handled

2003-07-03 Thread Bruce Embrey
Mailman-Users: I am using Mailman 2.1.1 I have several lists and my setting for SMTP_MAX_RCPTS = 500. If I have a list with 4000 addresses will this setting segment the message into 8 messages with 500 recipients per message? This SMTP_MAX_RCPTS = 500 was the default setting when I installed i

Re: [Mailman-Users] how are large distribution lists handled

2003-07-03 Thread Jon Carnes
Check out the archives for reams of discussions on this setting. Basically it lets mailman drop off a bunch of mail all destined for the same domain in one email. If 500 of your list members are all with AOL.com then Mailman will put all 500 addresses into one email and dump it out to your MTA.