I have installed Mailman on our site last week and it is working pretty well except for a couple of things.
When I receive mail from one group (mail from another bcc list) that I wish to forward to our list (size around 100Kb - with background stationary), I  try to forward it to our list - I get notification to go to pending approvals, I do this and approve it but no email come into anothe account I have that is supposed to receive emails from our list - I have settings so that I do receive my own email posts and size is set to '0' as suggested in help. Smaller messages get through but not these larger ones.
is it the stationary causing the problem, the size, the forwarding from another list or something else??
Also other problem is with Privacy settings - I have it set for postings from members only (but need approval from moderator) but no approval required for some other email addresses - I have entered all relevant fields (and tried differnet combinations of setings) but no mail eventuates ( not even in waiting for approval ) - so only way I can get posting is to leave it set at members only with approval required.
ps - I think it's a great program and it is a vast improvement over our old method of manual subcribing and bcc posts with Outlook Express.

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