Hello Mailman community,

Recently I wrote some clean and simple object oriented PHP code which I
assembled to a little project called phpNewsList on SourceForge.net.

This upcoming free software project provides an already out-of-the-box
working web front end for generating a GNU Mailman based news letter on
a ist server using members from already available GNU Mailman mailing

Let's assume you drive 10 mailing lists on your list server, phpNewsList
will generate easily a new temporary news letter mailing list (Called
news-list) which will contain members from all or some of the above
specified mailing lists.

Once generated you'll just need to send your news E-Mail to the new
generated news-letter mailing list.

As the whole project is written in PHP I am searching for medium skilled
PHP developers who are interested in writing clean OO-PHP code.

Details are available here:

The latest code is available in the CVS tree:

Once some new developers join the project I'll provide a developer and
user mailing list on SF.net. Forum will be also there and the actual
minimalistic project homepage is: http://phpnewslist.sourceforge.net/

I thank you in advantage for interested and feedback and ask excuse if
this E-Mail may be off-topic to GNU Mailman usage and development.

Best regards,


P.S. I'm currently off-list so please Cc: me on each reply or send your
response directly to me, thanks.

              _.--..---"-,--c_    Ivo Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
         \L..'           ._O__)_  http://www.sourceforge.net/users/eim/
 -.      _.+  _  \..--( /         MP3Roaster, phpNewsList, WWW::SMS.
   `\.-''__.-' \ (     \_         Free Software Developer
     `'''        `\__   /\

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