On 14 Oct 2020 Randall Meadows wrote:

Clicking the little triangle next to a collapsed thread reveals the next message in the thread. Opt-clicking reveals the whole thread.

Is it possible to have a Preference to reverse these, so that the default is to reveal the whole thread? I need to see the whole thread much more often than just one message.

That's actually macOS system functionality, the standard behavior for NSOutlineView views (which I'm assuming Benny is using in the UI). AFAIK, there isn't a way to flip the bits; I've just built up enough muscle memory over the years that my SOP is to ⌥-click the disclosure triangle now...

It's macOS functionality when the triangle is clicked to show the *contents* of something, eg. a folder. I can't conceive of any situation where one only wants to see the immediate replies to an email without viewing the whole thread.

As you yourself say, you've built up muscle memory to always ⌥-click the disclosure triangle. Is there any reason to assume that everyone isn't doing that too?

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