On Fri 16/Oct/2020 22:55:52 +0200 Matthew V via mailop wrote:

On 2020-10-16 1:34 p.m., micah anderson via mailop wrote:
I do think that your point is valid, they should not be treated as spam.

However, personally, I feel like they *are* spam. I get these on a daily
basis, and I just delete them. Ok, yes, I can turn off the reporting,

At least, you can direct it to a different folder, and delete old messages automatically.

but does anyone actually do anything with these? Is there some
convenient way to stuff these into something and produce some kind of

From a tiny mailsite operator POV, I'm not clear what kind of statistics I may want to read, and when. Weekly sums? But then I shouldn't add apples and oranges (read mailing list traffic and direct mails), should I?

I still send a copy of my reports to dmarcian, but don't find their statistics very useful for me.

The reports are not really intended to be manually read...

Well, certainly not in their original XML format. However, you can automatically convert reports to HTML tables, displaying colored results which you might want to glance at on occasion. My take at it:



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