> -----Original Message-----
> From: mailop <mailop-boun...@mailop.org> On Behalf Of Slavko via mailop
> Sent: Monday, December 5, 2022 9:09 AM
> To: mailop@mailop.org
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [mailop] TBTB: TLS Reporting really works
> Dňa 5. decembra 2022 10:21:45 UTC používateľ Alessandro Vesely via mailop
> <mailop@mailop.org> napísal:
> >Useless TLSRPT messages report successful connections only.
> Yes, now i understand, thanks. I am surprised, that i don't see any SPAM on
> DMARC/TLS reports addresses and they are published about one year for TLS
> and for DMARC even longer.

I'd suspect this has to do with the typical target.  IOW, these messages 
usually go to systems, not humans.  Systems will just go "Nope, not a report.  

> >Hm... if I cannot read it as file I probably cannot parse it either, no?
> In principle yes, but i meet emails which failed in text mode, but i 
> successfuly
> read them as bytes. I do not remember exact details (in mean if the problem
> was reading or parsing) as it was relative long time ago and from that time i
> always read mails as bytes. It can be Python internals related, or broken
> emails with wrong encoding declared (i relative often see that -- US-ASCII is
> not enough for us).
> As addition, i always define policy when reading emails, to get new type
> EmailMessage object, as by default reading email results in old (Python 3.2
> compatible) Message object, which hasn't some nice new features...

FWIW, I did open source a TLSRPT ingestion script.  It has at least one bug I 
know of, and probably needs a bit of work otherwise (which may be done, I need 
to validate).  https://github.com/Comcast/tlsrpt_processor

> BTW, i start to learn XSLT by your DMARC processing, thanks for inspiration 
> ;-)
> regards
> --
> Slavko
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.slavino.sk/__;!!CQl3mcHX2A!Ar
> aMQELGGC7cmE47p1Ke_3aw7Z57R-
> yNfyxBoPj_d91GVUscxnGl4WPKFFzI57QqUDGVw0A-gr4ZdrFBSos$

Alex Brotman
Sr. Engineer, Anti-Abuse & Messaging Policy

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