I signed up for the sender support (sendersupport.olc.... ) of Microsoft and 
activated forwarding of messages flagged by users as spam. Today I saw an email 
sent by microsoft to postmaster@ with a from of one of my domains rejected 
based on the domains DMARC policy  by my mailer.

Based on the data in my rspam log and the sendersupport site showing ~1 mail 
having been marked as spam by a user, I _suspect_ that this is the forward 
feature; However, this feature seems to break DKIM signatures and re-signs with 
hotmail.com, leading to the DMARC policy reject triggering, as neither SPF nor 
DKIM match;

Is there any good way to get into contact with them about this (as this is not 
really me having issues sending to them, but them to me ;-))/is anyone from MS 
reading on this list?

With best regards,

 rspamd.log:2022-04-30 10:54:14 #27730(normal) <1736ea>; task; 
rspamd_task_write_log: id: <267a1c47b4bb64e17ab1633ea69b5...@engelsystem.de>, 
qid: <bd205f71>, ip:, from: <st...@hotmail.com>, (default: T 
(reject): [10.00/10.00] 
[NEURAL_HAM(-2.97){-0.991;},DMARC_POLICY_REJECT(2.00){engelsystem.de : SPF not 
aligned (relaxed), DKIM not aligned 
 len: 9927, time: 1357.5940132141113ms, dns req: 61, digest: 
<197fd69596e5326847617462eb097561>, rcpts: <postmas...@aperture-labs.org>, 
mime_rcpts: <<user>@outlook.de>, forced: reject "Action set by DMARC"; 
score=nan (set by dmarc)

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