Off the top of my head, both Aldhem and Bede use Maro as well as Vergil - I'll check for actual percentages - I believe that is generally true of early Anglo-Latin
Helen COB
On Monday, August 5, 2002, at 06:02 PM, David Wilson-Okamura wrote:

This should be an easy question, but it is one that I don't know the answer
to, and as it has been a quiet summer on the Virgil list, I hope no one
will mind. When, and why, did we stop calling Virgil by his cognomen, Maro?
(Extra points for anyone who can explain why "Tully," a gentilicium or
family-name, is often preferred to "Cicero" in the Renaissance.)

One note for new subscribers: not everything we talk about on the Virgil
list is this obscure. If you'd like to talk about something more literary,
don't hesitate to start a new thread, either by posing a question or making
an observation. Do change the subject header, though: there are over 700
subscribers on this mailing list, and I can pretty much guarantee you that
a lot of them are going to delete anything labeled "naming conventions" on
sight without reading any further.

David Wilson-Okamura          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
East Carolina University    Virgil reception, discussion, documents, &c
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