
I am trying to use mapguide to create a large set of tiles that are compatible with google maps. I have a php script that will create the tiles and it appears to run fine but when I try and create a large set of tiles, I end up getting some tiles that are transparent. I do not get an error while my script is running but if I try and create another set of tiles after the script finishes, I get the following error:

Error: Out of Memory in NsSAX2Reader parse File: ..\src\dbxml\nodeStore\NsSAX2Reader.cpp Line: 352 An Exception occurred in method MgResrouceDefinitionManager.ValidateDocument at line 429 in file

It is not consistent in how many tiles are transparent, but I have had some transparent tiles in sets as small as 1000 tiles.

I am running on MGOS 1.2 on XP with apache and PHP. The PC has 2gb of RAM and has a 1.5mhz core 2 duo processor. In the server.cfg I changed the rows and columns per folder to 512.

Any suggestions on how to trap the transparent tiles while they are created or how to fix this?


George McLean

My PHP script is below:

   require_once 'common_locations.php';
include 'c:\program files\MapGuideOpenSource\WebServerExtensions\www\mapviewerphp\constants.php';
         $mgMapName = "umsfdo";
       // Get the user information using the session id,
       // and set up a connection to the site server.
       $userInfo = new MgUserInformation("Administrator", "admin");
       $site = new MgSite();
       $mgSessionId = $site->CreateSession();
       $userInfo = new MgUserInformation($mgSessionId);
       $siteConnection = new MgSiteConnection();

       // Get an instance of the required service(s).
       $resourceService = $siteConnection->
       $featureService = $siteConnection->
       // Display the spatial reference system used for the map
       $map = new MgMap();
$resourceID = new MgResourceIdentifier('Library://Gtest/Map/GoogleElipse.MapDefinition');
       $map->Create($resourceService, $resourceID, $mgMapName);
$mgTileServer = $siteConnection->CreateService(MgServiceType::TileService); $tileSize = $mgTileServer->GetDefaultTileSizeX();
       for ($col = 100 ; $col < 112; $col++)
                 for ($row = 0; $row < 256; $row++)
$mgTileServer->GetTile($resourceID, 'Base Layer Group', $col, $row, 2);
                   echo 'Tile Built: '.$col.' '.$row;
   catch (MgException $e)
        echo "Error!";
        echo $e->GetMessage();
       echo $e->GetDetails();


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