Hi, I'm new to the list, but I had a technical question concerning the 
st_overlaps function.  My company stores about 26,000 of a certain type of 
boundary, you can think of them as something like a county boundary.  When 
these boundaries are drawn, they are drawn butted up next to each other, so 
that there are no "easements" or white-space between each boundary.  In 
order to ensure data quality, and no overlapping boundaries, I suggested 
using the st_overlaps function to tell the person drawing the boundary that 
"boundary xyz overlaps boundaries abc and efg". When I ran a preliminary 
query against all the boundaries, I found that almost every boundary we have 
overlaps with one or more other boundaries.

My question is this.  If I draw two squares next to each other, such that 
the right side of the left square, and the left side of the right square are 
the same line, does the st_overlaps function say that they are overlapping 
or not?  And if it does, is there a way to ensure data quality other than 
the st_overlaps function?  Something that would tell me that I have poorly 
drawn boundaries?

Kansas City
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