I am converting a 1:250000 maps from the Norwegian Mapping Authority’s 
format "SOSI" to MapInfo.  The map/workspace will consist of about 30 
layers/MItabs.  I am using MIpro 5.5 and a Norwegian conversion program.

1. It would be nice to use the "Extended Metadata support" feature to 
make cartographic legend in MIpro for this layers automatically. 
The "SOSI" format have feature codes but no feature descriptions. I 
want to have descriptive texts to each feature code.  There is some 
information in the MI help files, but I need some tips and hints to get 
it running.  

I have tried to do what the "Extended Metadata Support (Pass-through 
keys)" chapter in the help file says but with no luck.

2. What it the best way to generate the metadata for each table?

Alf Austrheim
NetCom GSM as
Molde, Norway

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