Thank you to all those who replied to my query of determining whether a
table needs packing. I basically had two solutions, these being;

1) Fetch each record from the table. If a record is deleted then an error
occurs when it is accessed. This can then taken as though a table would need
packing. See source code below;

Function IsPacked(Byval Tabname as string) as Logical

        Dim nRows as Integer
        Dim nRec as Integer

        nRows = TableInfo(TabName, TAB_INFO_NROWS)

        OnError Goto BadFetch

        For nRec = 1 to nRows
                Fetch rec nRec from Tabname

        IsPacked = TRUE
        Exit Function

        IsPacked = FALSE
End Function

2) Using the 'SELECT' command to select all of the non-deleted records into
a temporary table, and then determine the number of rows using the TableInfo
function. See source code below;

        Select * From ... Where col1=col1 Into TempSel Noselect
        iNumRealRows = TableInfo(TempSel, TAB_INFO_NROWS)
        Close Table TempSel

Paul Fildes                                   Phone: +44 121 643 6711
Technology Applications Group, Maunsell Ltd,  Fax:   +44 121 643 1357
Attwood House, 1 Worcester Walk,              Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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