You can use Triangulator from Mercator Geosystems to triangulate your elevation data. The resulting map contains triangle objects with fields on the average elevation, slope in degrees and aspect. The slope information can be used for creating a thematic maps or other forms of further analysis.
A fully function trial version of Triangulator can be downloaded from www.mercatorgeo.nl
Hope this helps.
----- Original Message -----
From: General
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2000 7:56 AM
Subject: MI: Gradient/slope shading

I have a client who wants his elevation data contoured (easy) and then shaded by gradient.  He needs to highlight the areas too steep for the planting of grapevines.  I could use the relief shading to give a general idea, but was hoping for something a little more qualitative.  I'm running MI 6.0.  Any suggestions?
Michelle Smith
Frontier Mapping Pty Ltd

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