Thank you for responding to this survey (if you have not already done
so).  There are 12 questions.  My company is looking for the best
solution for a client (I am not in the buisiness of writing metadata
tools!)  A summary will be posted to the MI-L (no names will be listed
with any specific answers, so don't be shy!).  Maybe the results will
also help someone build a better metatrap...

Since many answers come across as plain text...  Please delete those
answers that do not apply, or place an asterisk (*) next to those that
do...  something that can be clearly identified.

1.How often do you include metadata in the files you create?  (Not just
the files you sell...)
a.   Never
b.   Rarely
c.   <25% of the time
d.   25 - 50% of the time
e.   50 - 75% of the time
f.   75 - 100% of the time

2.Of the metatdata that you do capture, how complete do you feel it to
a.   No metadata captured
b.   Always Incomplete
c.   Usually incomplete
d.   Half and half
e.   Decent, but could be better
f.   Usually complete
g.   Full metadata standards are always met

3.Do you use an off-the-shelf metadata collection tool?
a.   No   (please skip to question #7)
b.   Yes  (please list the name and manufacturer)
c.   Not yet, but plan to make a purchase  (please skip to question #7)
d.   No, I use a custom-built application

4.If you use a metadata collection tool, what is your satisfaction
level with it?
a.   Completely unsatisfied
b.   Somewhat unsatisfied
c.   It's OK
d.   Rather satisfied
e.   Very satisfied

5.What do you like the most about the utility?

6.What do you like the least?

7.In the FREE files that you pick up, how often do you encounter
a.   Never
b.   Rarely
c.   <25% of the time
d.   25 - 50% of the time
e.   50 - 75% of the time
f.   75 - 100% of the time

8.When it exists, what is your satisfaction level with it?
a.   No metadata captured
b.   Always Incomplete
c.   Usually incomplete
d.   Half and half
e.   Decent, but could be better
f.   Usually complete
g.   Full metadata standards are always met

9.In the data files that you PURCHASE, how often do you encounter
a.   Never
b.   Rarely
c.   <25% of the time
d.   25 - 50% of the time
e.   50 - 75% of the time
f.   75 - 100% of the time

10.When it exists, what is your satisfaction level with it?
a.   No metadata captured
b.   Always Incomplete
c.   Usually incomplete
d.   Half and half
e.   Decent, but could be better
f.   Usually complete
g.   Full metadata standards are always met

11.Do you have a particular data source whom you prefer because of
their metadata quality?
a.   No
b.   Yes   (please feel free to share the name)

12.What industry are you/is your company in?  If a consultant, what
industry is the majority of your clients in?

If you have any comments, please feel free to include them...

Thank you for your time!

Jo Jordon

Jo Jordon
MapInfo Certified Instruction
Vertical Mapper Certified Instruction
GIS Consulting

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