Hello Mappets,
I've got a problem with workspaces and their lack of ODBC connections. If i open an ODBC table the dialog box prompts me to save the table. I select a name and save. Then i save the workspace. If i then examine the workspace using notepad, i notice that the table opened by the workspace is the nominated saved table and not a refreshed version from the ODBC database. Is there some way how i can make a workspace bring across a refreshed version of the ODBC table and then overwrite the nominated saved table.
As a sideline for your thoughts, i do have visual basic and i'm contemplating having a VB frontend to a MI application that calls an Access database. Has anyone had experience of this? Is it possible to use VB to grab tables and whack them into the mapinfo application. It sounds a chuggy way of getting 'live' ODBC connections and i'm hoping for a better solution.
Andy Bailey.

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