Hi Alistair,

You can open a workspace file with the "run application" command, 
eg  run application "c:\temp\myworspace.wor"

Once your workspace is open you will probably need to issue a statement like

set map window frontwindow() center (x,y) zoom z units "m"  

to zoom to the appropriate location where x and y are the coordinates on
your access database and z is some appropriate window width (to get an
appropriate scale)  You may also need to issue a coordsys statement to
ensure the map coordinates are in the same projection as those stored in
your database.

Hope this helps



Martin Roundill
GIS Manager
Waitakere City Council
Private Bag 93109
Waitakere City
New Zealand

-----Original Message-----
From: A.W. Male & Associates Pty Ltd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, 9 January 2000 13:41
Subject: Access - opening MI to Display aspecific land parcel

I need to open a workspace and display a  land parcel whose co ords are held
in the current access form

To coin a good old aussie phrase, it's a bit like being up a creek in a barb
wire canoe without a paddle - very painful

The following opens MI from the Access form and Brings a blank MI window to
the front

Private Sub Command397_Click()

Dim objvar As Object
Set objvar = CreateObject("mapinfo.application")
objvar.Visible = True
objvar.Do "set window 1011 restore front"

>From here I am stuck

I am a relatively new user of MI ! any help will be appreciated



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