Hi Tim,

One way to get rid of your duplicate points would be to do a SQL with a "group
by" and re-generate the points through the "Create Points" command.

1. Do the following SQL statement:

Select {Tag},Format$(CentroidX(obj),"#.########") "X", 
>From {Table} Group By {Tag} Into NEWTABLE

where {Tag} is the unique column name and {Table} is the table name.
The format$() function is needed to stop rounding errors.

2. Do a "Save Copy As" for the NEWTABLE table.

3. Close the NEWTABLE selection table.

4. Open the newly created NEWTABLE table.

5. Use the "Create Points" command to generate new points from the X & Y columns.

Hope this helps.

 adding   Susan Port
  value   Technical Support Coordinator
spatial   Spatial Plus
systems   http://www.spatialplus.com

>Hi MI People,
>I have what I thought to be a simple problem. I have a table in MI5.0 that
contains 44000  
>location points with just a one column tag.
>My problem is that there are 14,000 points which are replicated in the data.
Same tag-same 
>point. (The data originates from a poorly maintained Oracle data base and came
to me in 
>Genamap format and was converted using GEMI)
>I am relatively new to MI (and to this mailing list) and have searched all
help and played 
>extensively with the SQL Select options, exported data to Acess97 , deleted
replicates and 
>tried to import the tables back in, joined the imported tables to the original
data tables 
>etc., but cant seem to get anything to work.
>I'm sure I'm missing something very simple (apart from manually deleting 14,000
points from 
>the browser window), I would appreciate if someone could tell me what this
>Tim Haeusler
>Regional River Officer
>NSW Dept. Land and Water Conservation
>PO Box 867 Wollongong East, NSW Australia 2500
>Website:  www.dlwc.nsw.gov.au
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