MI-L Can't select objects

2004-09-14 Thread Collard, Mike MB SUKOP-UORM/232
I have a map of the UK that shows petrol filling station locations - approx 15,000 of them. I want to select those within the London (M25) area - approx 25 km radius. I have tried usinf both the radius tool and the polygon but neither will select all of the points within the boundary of the

MI-L Can't open WMF file

2004-02-03 Thread Collard, Mike MB SUKOP-UORM/232
A colleague has produced a WMF file with Mapinfo v 6.5 which he has sent me but I can only open it with QuickView. Mapinfo displays an instruction to creat a file association in Control Panel, Folder Options but WMF does not appear in the dropdown so is not available. Also I am getting an

MI-L Distance calculation

2003-01-16 Thread Collard, Mike MB SUKOP-UORM/232
Mapinfo v. 6.5 I have a table that shows :- Shell_id, Shell_Grid_Ref, Competitor_id, Competitor_Grid_Ref Is it possible to create a Mapinfo query that will return the distances between each Shell_Grid_Ref and its associated Competitor_Grid_Ref? I do not currently have MapBasic but if I did

MI-L Can't see layer

2002-12-04 Thread Collard, Mike MB SUKOP-UORM/232
I have a table with locations identified by UK grid reference and another table with Irish co-ordinates. I want to display both in the same workspace so I have translated the UK grid references to LatLong, same as the Irish locations, and saved a copy of the UK coast map in the same format

MI-L Can't display converted EOO files

2002-11-25 Thread Collard, Mike MB SUKOP-UORM/232
I have downloaded some EOO files of Ireland coast and roads from the Geocomm website and translated them into Mapinfo tabs. I can display the resultant Ireland coast and roads tabs together but if I add a data tab of locations from an Access table they won't display i.e. I can either have the

MI-L Convert Irish Coordinates to GB Grid References

2002-11-25 Thread Collard, Mike MB SUKOP-UORM/232
I am trying, with varying degrees of success, to create a single map of the island of Ireland. However, The Republic of Ireland map is based on Irish Coordinates and Northern Ireland is based on GB Grid references and so I can create two separate maps but I want a single seamless map of the

MI-L Map Layers for Ireland

2002-11-22 Thread Collard, Mike MB SUKOP-UORM/232
I want to obtain coastal outline, county boundaries, roads and town sprawl layers for Mapinfo v 6.5 for the island of Ireland i.e. both the Republic and Ulster. Can anyone suggest a source of supply other than Mapinfo who have just suggested upgrading to version 7.0 Thanks Mike Collard

MI-L Colour code locations

2002-10-24 Thread Collard, Mike MB SUKOP-UORM/232
I have created a Mapinfo map that shows the locations of petrol filling stations. I want to be able to colour code the points to indicate the brand e.g. BP would be green, Shell yellow and Esso red etc. I can do it by allocating a number to each in the map table and create a thematic map with

MI-L Colour code locations - OK STOP!!!

2002-10-24 Thread Collard, Mike MB SUKOP-UORM/232
Thanks to all who responded - I have the answer. No more replies needed thanks! Mike Collard

MI-L Application needed to refresh map

2002-05-30 Thread Collard, Mike MB SUKOP-UORM/232
I have a map based on an Access.mdb. table. The Access table gets refreshed periodically and records get added and deleted. I want my map to get refreshed automatically, displaying new locations and hiding/deleting old ones i.e. I don't want to have to recreate the atble each time the data is

MI-L Create dynamic map?

2002-05-28 Thread Collard, Mike MB SUKOP-UORM/232
Mapinfo v 6.5 I can create a map based on a table with say, 1000 records and I can then create a select query that returns a subset of say 400 records. Mapinfo then only seems able to highlight the selection but I want the map to just show the 400 records. So far I have created a new map each