Title: Meddelelse
Hi all,
I would like to change the line style which is invoked in MapInfo by selecting all relevant objects in a map window from an editable layer and then choosing the icon "Line Style" in the drawing buttonpad.
Alas, I cannot find the MapBasic command for calling this button, so I cannot write a simple WOR file to do the job for me or a simple MapBasic program.
I have to loop through all the relevant records and change the object attribute by the command  Alter Object MyCurrentObj Info:
Dim P_Penstyle As Pen
Dim MyCurrentObj As Obj
P_Penstyle = MakePen (1, 2, 16711680)
For i = 1 To nRecords    'in current selection
    Fetch rec i From Selection
    MyCurrentObj = Selection.obj
    Alter Object  MyCurrentObj 
        Info  OBJ_INFO_PEN, P_Penstyle
    Update Selection Set obj = MyCurrentObj where RowID = i
This way is rather slow when there are many records in the selection, so do any of you GISmo's out there have a better solution?
Thanks in advance

Jacob K. Jørgensen
Engineer, M.SC. in GeoInformatics

Soendergade 53
DK-8000 Aarhus C

Phone: +45 8732 2020
Direct phone: +45 8732 2078
Fax: +45 8732 2021


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