Originally designed to transform 2-node lines in rectangles centered on them
and of a given width.

Expanded to do the same with polylines but with nuances: corners at the
bends are flat, rounded or sharp. And, surprise! With the round corners you
get MI buffers but with flat extremities, flush with end points.

Then adapted to "continuous segment sets" where each segment carries its one
value and is adjacent to the next one. And you get a way to map the
variations of a variable along a path.

If you want to play with it, I recommend you read the documentation (the pdf
file can be accessed directly from the application menu) to understand all
the choices that are available.

And I wish you make it suffer to make it stronger (if I can correct the
errors you will find) and that you will invent ways to use it that may help
reveal possible improvements/expansions. Because it is only a BETA and it
needs you

Available at www.paris-pc-gis.com/Beta/beta.htm

Jacques Paris
MapBasic-MapInfo support  http://www.paris-pc-gis.com

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