Whoops. Forgot to thank Ole Gregor who recalled a previous solution to this
that seems to take a similar approach to Warren and Peter.


>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         Campbell, Keith A  
> Sent: 01 December 2003 11:33
> Subject:      SUM: MI-L Identifying Regions with Holes
> My apologies for the lateness of this reply. And also  thank you to all
> who responded - Melissa Blackwell, Ashley Simmonds, Katrin, Warren Vick,
> Peter Horsbøll Møller and Jamie Justham. It amazes me how much some of you
> put into this list.
> My question 'Is there any way to identify, by a query or other
> straightforward process, all regions that have a hole or holes in them?'
> The answer is that yes, it is possible to identify regions with holes, but
> it is not straightforward. There are a number of ways to tackle this and
> the suggestions are as follows. I should point out that I didn't end up
> using any of these, due to other issues with the data. So, my comments are
> based on my perception rather than experience of using the methods,
> although I briefly tried one or two.
> It did look, initially at least, that Melissa's suggestion of using the
> 'Check Regions' function would provide the easy answer. When checking for
> gaps, it does identify holes inside regions, and copes with islands inside
> holes (and holes inside the islands!). You just need to set your maximum
> gap tolerance high enough for your data. The complication arises when the
> regions touch or overlap each other. The gaps between intersecting regions
> are also identified and the issue of how to distinguish between the gaps
> within regions from the gaps between regions arises.
> Ashley's 'IsDonut' approach, or a slight variation of it, does seem to
> provide a solution. This method compares the area of the regions in their
> original state as against the area after disaggregation (not retaining
> holes). The slight variation would be to ensure that the regions had a
> unique ID before disaggregation, and to retain the ID on the individual
> regions after disaggregation. The resultant regions could then be queried
> to identify the sum of the areas for each ID, like so:-
> Select ID, Sum(Area(obj, "sq km")) from <table1> group by ID into <table2>
> The result of this query can then be used to identify any regions from the
> original table where the area is less than the summed areas for the
> disaggregated regions with the same ID. The logic being that the area
> should be the same unless any of the polygons are 'negative', i.e. holes.
> Katrin's suggestion uses a similar principle of comparing the original
> intact regions with the set of disaggregated (not retaining holes)
> regions. The focus of the comparison is whether any of the disaggregated
> regions are entirely within any others. I don't think this can be done
> with a single query (correct me if I'm wrong) but would require a MapBasic
> app to iterate through each object and query whether it falls entirely
> within another object that has the same ID but is not itself (same RowID).
> The check for the ID match needs to done because there could be regions
> that fall entirely within other regions prior to disaggregation. I think
> the area comparison method is simpler and easier to implement.
> Warren and Peter, if I understand them correctly, take a similar approach
> by processing all polygons within a region into single polygon regions
> (same as disaggregating without retaining holes) and then checking each
> polygon to identify how many other polygons of the parent region it's
> centroid is within. If it's a negative number, the polygon forms a hole in
> the region. This seems overly complex, as if a centroid falls within ANY
> other polygons, surely there must be a hole. However, as Peter as provided
> the code for this, the hard work is done already.
> Jamie's suggestions is to use a Tester in the FME Workbench, with the
> @NumHoles() function. I've not tried this, but if you have FME it appears
> to be an attractively easy option.
> Phew, I'm glad that's over - too much of a workout for my brain cells at
> this time on a Monday morning!
> Keith
> ----------------------------------------------
> Keith Campbell
> GIS Consultant
> Cornerstone House
> Stafford Park 13, Telford
> Shropshire, TF3 3AZ
> England
> Tel:  +44 (0)1952 21 3268  * 
> Fax: +44 (0)1952 20 0981  *
> Web: www.atkinsglobal.com <www.atkinsglobal.com>   *
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