For any of you that may be interested in US soils descriptions as well as
open formats scaled at 1:24,000 and larger identifying a minimum mapping
unit of two to five acres you should surf over to


Nebraska could be considered as a signal state for what sort of digital soil
surveys to expect from your county, regional, or state office of the Natural
Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) of the Department of Agriculture.  The
University of Nebraska is the Land Grant arm for its growers.  Importantly,
NRCS bases a large number of important soils and soils information
specialists and office locations in Lincoln, in particular its "soil survey"
group.  Other important NRCS labs for electronic formats are located near
Fort Worth, TX and another in Fort Collins, Colorado.  The formalization of
the Nation's soil survey to digital form has been far slower than I would
have expected.  I'll suspect it's a choice to re-image with new third order
field survey or to more simply take a scan of the legacy work.  I bet the
recent soil surveys are the former, a more expensive re-survey, where as
Iowa was a ISPAID scanning project?  There are likely many more counties in
process than the "released" reports would indicate.... Sometimes soil survey
information and its land classification and determinations are sensitive to
many communities in the County and surrounds... analysis paralysis being the
likely result.  I would suggest that you contact the most local NRCS office
to find information not listed in the report above.  They may also have very
inexpensive annual "local" imagry from the last cropping season (leaf on) as
well as they are likely a depository for National Aerial Imagery taken every
five years - more up to date than the similar image quality as found on


NRCS - USDA Main Pages


NRCS Ft Worth, TX



NRCS Ft Collins, CO

"red drape"
00> &fy=2000


USGS 5 Year Leaf-off Imagry






MidNight Mapper

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