Hello list,
I have got two questions relating to the CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_DBL)
function. The first thing that I´m surprised about is that in the following
if clause

If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_DBL) = TRUE Then
        choose directly from table_c
        choose from table_b and put selected items in the second
End If

the program carries out the else statement list in any case. Even if there
is a double-click.

The second problem is a bit more complicated. The program builds up a dialog
that basically consists of a PopupMenu , two MultiListBoxes and an OK and
Cancel Button. The user choses an item from the PopupMenu and according to
this choosen item the program selects the corresponding items from table_a
and puts them in the first MultiListbox. When the user clicks on one of the
items from this MultiListbox the program selects the corresponding items
from table_b and puts them in the second MultiListbox. Then the user picks
one or more items from the second MultiListBox and when the dialog is
dismissed by clicking OK the program chooses the corresponding polylines
from table_c.
When the user double-clicks on one of the items from the first MultiListBox
I want the program to choose directly from table_c. This works very well for
items that don´t have more than 50 corresponding items in table_b, but not
for those who have more than 50. In that case ( more than 50 ) the program
simply executes the else case and chooses corresponding items from table_b
and puts them in the second MultiListBox. 
Are there any limitations within a MultiListBox in combination with the
CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_DBL) function ?
Thanks for any help


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Micromarketing-Systeme und Consult GmbH

Ulrike Witte

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41460 Neuss
Phone: 02131-10 97 51
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