I am sure I am missing something very simple here.
I am using integrated mapping in VB. I have a form that has two picture
boxes (Map1 & Legend1)
I can create the map without a problem, however try as I might I cannot
create a legend to appear in the second picture box. If I try this approach:

goMI.Do "Set Application Window " & frmMap.hWnd
goMI.Do "Set Next Document Parent " & frmMap.Map1.hWnd & " Style 1"
goMI.Do "Map From States, Counties,Townships, Hydro, Land, OCEAN"
glMapWinID = Val(goMI.Eval("WindowID(0)"))

Code to create the thematic map

goMI.Do "Set Window Legend Parent " & frmMap.Legend1.hWnd
goMI.Do "Create Legend"
glLegendWinID = Val(goMI.Eval("WindowID(0)"))
sLegendStmt = "Set Legend Window " & glLegendWinID
sLegendStmt = sLegendStmt & " Layer 1 Display On Shades Off Symbols On Lines
Off Count Off "
sLegendStmt = sLegendStmt & "Title " & Chr$(34) & " Simulated Yield " &
Chr$(34) & " Font (""Arial"",1,10,0) "
sLegendStmt = sLegendStmt & "Ascending On Ranges Font (""Arial"",0,9,0) "
sLegendStmt = sLegendStmt & "Auto Display Off ,"
sLegendStmt = sLegendStmt & Chr$(34) & "< 25" & Chr$(34) & " Display On ,"
sLegendStmt = sLegendStmt & "Auto Display On ,"
sLegendStmt = sLegendStmt & "Auto Display On ,"
sLegendStmt = sLegendStmt & "Auto Display On ,"
sLegendStmt = sLegendStmt & "Auto Display On ,"
sLegendStmt = sLegendStmt & "Auto Display On ,"
sLegendStmt = sLegendStmt & "Auto Display On ,"
sLegendStmt = sLegendStmt & "Auto Display On ,"
sLegendStmt = sLegendStmt & Chr$(34) & "200 +" & Chr$(34) & " Display On "
goMapInfo.Do sLegendStmt

When it processes the legend code I get a run time error: "Error: expecting
Mapper Window" on the last line of the code above.
If I try substituting 
goMI.Do "Set Next Document Parent " & frmMap.Legend1.hWnd & " Style 1"
goMI.Do "Set Window Legend Parent " & frmMap.Legend1.hWnd
I get the same error.

How do I create a legend in a second picture box on the same form that has
the map?

Tim Fast
Pioneer Hi-Bred International

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