This is probably a real no brainer

but have a look at the following images of the SQL dialog. I am running a
join query with two tables that have a common id (it just happens to be
called different things in the two tables). If i do the WHERE statement one
way round it works (WORK.gif) - if i do it the other way round it does not
(DontWork.gif which leads to the error message shown in ErrorMessage.gif).
In the FROM statement i have the tables the same way round so i can't see
the problem. 

Any of you very clever people out there got any ideas ???



 <<DontWork.gif>>  <<Works.gif>>  <<ErrorMessage.gif>> 
Jonathan Stokes
GIS Consultant
Geographic Engineering & Modelling (GEMS)
Binnie Black & Veatch
*+44 (0)1737 774 155
* Direct Dial +44 (0)1737 856 263

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