Thanks to all of those who replied. Most of which said the same, but
this was the most detailed response.
Thanks David Reid

Q. How do you tell if a record matched or not from the
table or Access database and how do you get rid of those unmatched

A. For sake of simplicity, we'll call your MS Access table "Customers"

I would start by opening this MS Access table and adding two columns.
(I'll use my Access Database as example: 

Field    Data Type    Field size  Decimal Places
XCORD    Number       Double      Auto

YCORD      "             "         "

Next I would create an empty copy of this Access Table named
"CustomersNotGeocoded". To do this in MS Access, simply right click on
the "Customers" table, select "Copy" then in the blank space, right
click and "Paste" Naming the table "CustomersNotGeocoded". Make sure
under "Paste Options" you choose "Structure only".

Now open the CustomersNotGeocoded access table in Mapinfo and make it
mappable as you did your Customers table.
Now open your Customers table.

To find the records not geocoded in the Customers Table, use Query, SQL
Select and enter the following:

Select Coluns: *
>From Tables: Customers (here you would use your table name)
Where condistion: not obj
Group by:
Sort by:
Into table named: Selection

And click "Ok"

This will select all records not geocoded. Now with the "Selection"
browser showing all un-geocoded records, on the menu bar, click "Table"/
Append Rows to Table. Here you'll want to append the table "Selection"
into the table "CustomersNotGeocoded".

Now Save the "CustomersNotGeocoded" table, and delete all the selected
records from the "Customers Table.  (Hint/Tip go to File/Close Table and
close what should be the last "query" table. This will allow you to more
easily delete "Selection".

Now you haven't just deleteted your non geocoded records, they are saved
for posterity in a table of their own.

Q. I want to see what polygon each point is in and
add that to the point table for reference purposes. What is the easiest
way to accomplish both these tasks.

A.As for finding what polygon each point is contained, that's an easyone
as well.

First go to your Access Table and add an appropriate field to your table
(This field format should correspond to that of the polygon ie, if lets
say your polygon ID is long integer, make it so in the Access table,
Character in Mapinfo/Text in Access etc) Make sure you add this same
field to your "NotGeocoded" table as well or later you may run into

Open your Access table in Mapinfo and your polygon table.

Using Table/Update Column
Table to update: <Your access table>
Colun to update: <I skip this till I set the next table>
Get value from: <your polygon table>
Go back to "Column to update" and set the column you wish to update (ie

Next click on Join and on the lower part of the dialog look for "where
object from table"

Where object from table <this depends on your mapper order>
Is within OR  contains object from table<this also depends on your
mapper order>
<Your customers table will be "WITHIN" your "polygon" table, or your
"polygon" table will "CONTAIN" your customers points.>

Click ok,

Then ok again and viola, your customers table should be updated with the
polygon id of each point.

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