
I've worked my way around several of my problems (such as creating a
larger rect to make a thematic map since creating a theme of the same
size as the final left 'whitespace' around the edges), but I can't
figure out how to stretch the viewing rect to the size of my mapper.  I
would love it if the area of the rect could be stretched to the viewable
area of the window.  You can get the mapper window's extents from
MapperInfo(FrontWindow(), MAPPER_INFO_MAXX) and
MapperInfo(FrontWindow(), MAPPER_INFO_MAXY) and the MINX and MINY of
those, but you can't set the darn things (that I can find).

Any help?  Here's the MapBasic code I'm using

Dim rect As Object
Dim rectRight As Object
Create Rect Into  Variable rect ( <minx>,<miny> ) ( <maxx>,<maxy> )
Create Rect Into  Variable rectRight ( <minx>,<miny> ) ( <maxx>,<maxy> )
Open Table "C:\mapinfo\ObsLocal.TAB" Interactive
Open Table "D:\Program Files\MapInfo\Professional
6.5\DATA\Map_Data\Namerca\USA\Usa_Maps\US_CNTY.TAB" Interactive
Open Table "D:\Program Files\MapInfo\Professional
6.5\DATA\Tut_Data\Tut_Usa\USA\STATES.TAB" Interactive
Open Table "D:\Program Files\MapInfo\Professional
6.5\DATA\Tut_Data\Tut_Usa\WORLD\OCEAN.TAB" Interactive
Select * From US_CNTY Where US_CNTY.obj Partly Within rect Into mapCnty
Select * From STATES Where STATES.obj Partly Within rect Into mapState
Select * From OCEAN Where OCEAN.obj Partly Within rect Into mapWater
Select TEMPERATURE From ObsLocal Where ObsLocal.obj Partly Within rect
Into mapTemp
Map From mapState,mapCnty,mapWater
create grid FROM mapTemp with TEMPERATURE into
"C:\mapinfo\mapTemp_TEMPERATURE.mig" type "mig.ghl" CoordSys Earth
Projection 1, 62 clipping table mapCnty inflect 12 at &H003f84:0
&H007aff:10 &H00adce:20 &H00d890:30 &H19ad00:40 &H73bd00:50 &He0e000:60
&He6ad00:70 &He68400:80 &He65a00:90 &Hff0000:100 &Hbf0000:999 # use 0 #
cell min 100 interpolate with "IDW" version "100" using 2 "EXPONENT": 
"2" "SEARCH RADIUS":  "50" 
Open Table "C:\mapinfo\mapTemp_TEMPERATURE.TAB" Interactive
Set Map Layer 1 Display Graphic
Add Map Layer mapTemp_TEMPERATURE Set Map Order 2,3,1,4 
Set Map Layer 1 Display Global Global Pen (2,2,0) Global Brush
Set Map Layer 2 Display Global Global Pen (1,2,&H777777) Global Brush
Set Map Clipping Object rectRight
Set Map Center (<mapx>,<mapy>)
Set Window FrontWindow() Width 6.67 Units "in" Height 4.79 Units "in"

Michael Martinson

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