Thanks to all the responders (Paul Crisp and Lars Nielsen).

Original Question:
When trying to opoen a workspace I get this error:
"File #0 not registered for access" 
The error stems from a query incorporated in the worksapce. I have 12 such identical 
queries with different parameters. MapInfo produces the error on the 3rd query. The 
queries use tab files linked to Access.

This problem arises when accessing an Access MDB file that is "locked" through being 
open in another process inluding Access itself. The presence of a LDB file in the same 
directory as the MDB file gives evidence of the MDB file being locked.

Larss suggested that too many tables were open - I have thirty something lalyers which 
work fine.
Paul suggested using native Tab files (copies) which was not feasible due to 
update/link issues.

Laurence Seeff
Points Business Mapping Ltd.
22 Tuval St., Ramat Gan, 52522, Israel
Tel:  +972-3-6126216
Fax: +972-3-6126323

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