Hello There

Using VB6, MapX 5.0, and Oracle 8i.

I want to know, How to search a feature using SearchAtPoint method on Map1.MouseDown 

The code below I am using is not working.

Private Sub Map1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, Y As 
Dim lyrTemp As mapxlib.Layer
Dim lstrFeatureName As String
Dim lstrFeatureValue As String
dim lobjPoint as Point

        Set lobjPoint = Nothing
        lobjPoint.Set x, Y

        For Each lyrTemp In Map1.Layers
                Set gftrFeature1 = lyrTemp.SearchAtPoint(gobjPoint)

                For Each gftrFeature2 In gftrFeature1
                    lstrFeatureName = lyrTemp.Name
                    lstrFeatureValue = gftrFeature2.KeyValue
end sub

Thanx in advance

Vishal Sharma

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