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To whom it may concern:

I recently noticed an error in the Rotate Map window tool. I have a layer
that has a projection of UTM NAD 83 Zone 17 already set. I wish to rotate
the map window by +17.3 degrees from the center of the map. When I do this,
the map rotates as it should. This is not the problem. However, when I turn
on the CURSOR LOCATION, I notice that the Projection has switched to
Long/Lat (the default projection). Is it something that I am doing? Or is it
a bug in the program? If it is in fact a bug, is there any other way to
perform the correct AFFINE transformation on the layer?

David Windeler Hons. BSc. Geo, GIS Apps. Specialist
GIS Technician / Applications Specialist
City Of Vaughan

Engineering Department
2141 Major Mackenzie Drive
Vaughan, Ontario
L6A 1T1

Tel. (905) 832-8525 Ext. 8747
Fax (905) 832-6145

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