There are more elegant ways to do this but here is one way to do it:

'******Copy from here*****************************
'This mb shells out , dirs all table files below a
'  pipes to a text file(thetabtext)
'  then you loop through the text file opening the tables
'  1) and processing them as you go(individual processing)
'  2) or simply open them all and then process them(batch processing)
'  ........ your choice  

' All include files
        Include "Mapbasic.def"

'Called mbx subs
        Declare Sub Main
        Declare Sub Timeout
        Declare Sub OpenTables
        Declare Sub individualprocess
        Declare Sub batchprocess        

        Dim thetabtext, cmdstr, tableline, tabledirectorytext as string
Sub Main
        'This is your text file your piping your dir command to
                thetabtext = "c:\tab_open.txt" 
        'This is your desired table directory. This will also get all
tables in subdirectories as well.
                tabledirectorytext = "c:\temp\*.tab"

        cmdstr =        "cmd /c dir " +         tabledirectorytext + "
/b /s > " + thetabtext 
        Run Program cmdstr
        Call timeout 'for delay while the command line runs
        Call OpenTables 
End Sub

Sub Timeout
        'Note: depending on the depth of your directory structure and
the speed of your processor, you may want to 
        '  increase the hangon variable
        dim hangon, o, j as integer
        hangon = 100000
        For j = 1 to hangon
                if j > 1 then 
                        o = j
                end if
End Sub

Sub OpenTables
        Open File thetabtext For Input as #1
                Line Input #1, tableline
                If EOF(1) then
                         Exit Do
                End If
                Open Table tableline
                Call individualprocess
        Close File #1
        Call batchprocess
        'Close all
End Sub

Sub individualprocess
        'put your individual table processing here and commit as you go
End Sub

Sub batchprocess
        'put your batch processing,after all tables are open, here
        'don't forget to commit changes
End Sub

'******** to here ************************************

Hope this helps Jon

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Petter Nielsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 4:52 AM
Subject: MI-L (Table) File Open : "OpenAll"

Hi listers,

We are working on a project where we shall process av lot of tab files
(thousands ?),  organized on disk under a catalog with several

MiPro 8 :

- File Open : A Maximum of xxx tab files at a time in FileOpen Dialog

- No " *.* and Search sub-catalogs" flag / option 

( we want : "All tab files, include all sub-catalogs") 

Is there a general max of tab file opened  at the same time ?( File Open
in a WOR or MB window-commands) 

Has anyone a hint (or an app ! ) for rapid opening of all tabs under  a
catalog tree?

Jon Petter Nielsen
Ugland IT Group AS
+47 6759 2818

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