
It would look at first view that there is some discrepancy between the
software and the documentation including def files (this icon does not exist
in 6.5). I have encountered several such situations while compiling
differences between versions (up to 6.5 ...!). In your case, it would seem
that new definitions should be added to the end of the ICONS.DEF file
because new internal values could not have been added at the end of the
"transport" section, these values having been assigned sequentially without
gaps between "topics".

Jacques Paris
MapBasic-MapInfo support  http://www.paris-pc-gis.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Terry McDonnell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 2-Mar-04 06:19
Subject: MI-L Labelling Tool/PushBurttons with "Unreachable" Icons

Greetings, Mappers of the World

I want a toolbar button to feature a "bus stop" symbol.  My system uses
the "London Transport"-like symbol of a horizontal line through a circle
(like the Tube).

I have my own, bespoke .ICO for this.

I notice that this is available as the 33rd symbol of the "MapInfo
Transportation" font.  But, in the ICONS.DEF file, the definitions only
go up to:

MI_ICON_TRANSPORT_27 (i.e. only 27 of them, strangely enough)

Now the code to generate the button requires an integer "Button_ID", as
{ PushButton  |  ToggleButton  | ToolButton  }
            Calling  { procedure | menu_code | OLE  methodname  | DDE
server , topic  }
            [ ID button_id  ]
            [ Icon   n   [ File file_spec ]  ]

So I assume, effectively, I  can't specify the icon I want.

Help further states:

".If the File sub-clause specifies the name of a file containing icon
resources, n is an Integer resource ID identifying a resource in the

Whatever THAT means!!

When I label my Bus Stops, on the map, with this symbol, the following
MB code is generated:

Set Map Layer 1 Display Global Global Symbol (64,16711680,12,"MapInfo
Transportation",0,0), so that's no problem.

Can anyone tell me how I might be able to have my chosen icon on the
button.  (and, while I'm at it, I can't find any equivalent of the
Windows standard button icons for Edit)?



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