Hi Mike,

If I were to do it manually I would label each well and then manually drag all the labels into the same point so that the arrows intersect but you only see the top label.

An alternative would be to write an application where you select all the wells to label, and then are prompted to click on the location of the label. This would simulate the manual technique, or you could actually create line objects.



From: "Cummings, Mike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.com>
Subject: MI-L Labels & creating Multiple arrows Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 10:21:51 -0800

We have maps with closely spaced oil wells.  Most wells have a "lease"
name & a number.  In the old days, we could write the "lease" name in a
clear area and have a bunch of arrows to the wells in that lease.  We
would put the well number next to the well.

Is there a way to create a label and have arrows to multiple points and
have them behave like a single label?  The easiest solution is draw
lines; but, it would become a nightmare if you start moving labels
and/or the wells around.  I'm interested if anyone has tried to create
(and how to) a "cheat" that appears as a label with multiple arrows.
There has to be a way..there always is..I'm just not sure how to attack


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