Hi Don,

I have not seen a limit on the number of tables that can be used when
joining tables but I have read about the order in which they have to be

This is what I read:
The order of the table names (in the From Tables field) is important. If
both tables contain map objects, the results table will only retain the map
objects from the first table listed in the From Tables field. Furthermore,
when the query is complete, MapInfo automatically selects some or all of the
rows from whichever table is listed first in the From Tables field. Thus, in
the preceding example, MapInfo will select some or all of the rows from the
Counties table. The results table will also include data copied from the
Orders table, but the Orders table will not be selected per se.


-----Original Message-----
From: Don [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 11:38 AM
To: Mapinfo List
Subject: MI-L SQL tables


    Is there a limit to the number of tables that can be joined for one SQL
query?  I am tring to create a query joining about 11 tables.  After about
the 8th one, no more tables can be added to the "from Tables" clause.  I'm
using Mapinfo Pro 7.0



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