For more details, see
[Apr 18, 2018 3:23:45 PM] (Bharat) HDFS-13464. Fix javadoc in
[Apr 18, 2018 11:35:38 PM] (aajisaka) HADOOP-15396. Some java source files are
[Apr 19, 2018 7:07:14 AM] (aajisaka
Hi Chen,
I am so sorry to bring this up now but there are 16 tests failing in
hadoop-distcp project.
I have opened a ticket and cc'ed Junping since he is branch-2.8 committer
but I missed to ping you.
IMHO we should fix the unit tests before we release but I would leave upto
other members to give
Hi, All
We have released Apache Hadoop 3.1.0 on Apr 06. To further
improve the quality of the release, we plan to release 3.1.1
at May 06. The focus of 3.1.1 will be fixing blockers / critical bugs
and other enhancements. So far there are 100 JIRAs [1] have fix
version marked to 3.1.1.
We plan to
Hi all,
This is the first dot release of Apache Hadoop 2.9 line since 2.9.0 was
released on November 17, 2017.
It includes 208 changes. Among them, 9 blockers, 15 critical issues and rest
are normal bug fixes and feature improvements.
Thanks to the many who contributed to the 2.9.1 developm