Thanks all who helped to verify and vote!

I give my binding +1 to conclude the vote for 2.8.5 RC0:

- Built from source and verified signatures

- Deployed a small distributed cluster and run simple jobs

- Verified UI of daemons, such as: NN, RM, DN, NM, etc

Now, our RC0 for 2.8.5 got:

6 binding +1s, from:

     Jason Lowe, Eric Payne, Kihwal Lee, Brahma Reddy Battula, Yesha Vora,
Junping Du

4 non-binding +1s, from:

    Gabor Bota, Eric Badger, Zsolt Venczel, Kitti Nánási

and no -1s.

So I am glad to announce that the vote for 2.8.5 RC0 passes.

Thanks everyone listed above who tried the release candidate and vote and
all who ever help with 2.8.5 release effort in all kinds of ways.

I'll push the release bits and send out an announcement for 2.8.5 soon.



Kitti Nánási <> 于2018年9月13日周四 上午8:34写道:

> Thanks for working on this Junping!
> +1 (non-binding)
> - checked out git tag release-2.8.5-RC0
> - built from source on Mac OS X 10.13.4, java version 8.0.172-zulu
> - deployed on a 3 node cluster
> - ran terasort, teragen, teravalidate with success
> - executed basic hdfs and dfsadmin commands
> Thanks,
> Kitti
> On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 2:37 PM, Yesha Vora <> wrote:
>> +1 (binding)
>> Tested the following:
>> - launch Pseudo-Distributed 1 node cluster
>> - Tested with word count / teragen / terasort / nnbench/ mrbench on yarn
>> - Validate yarn UI
>> - Test basic yarn cli operations such as -kill, -status, -appStates,
>> -appTypes
>> --
>> Yesha Vora
>> ________________________________________
>> From: 俊平堵 <>
>> Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 5:00 AM
>> To: Hadoop Common; Hdfs-dev;;
>> Cc: junpingdu(堵俊平)
>> Subject: [VOTE] Release Apache Hadoop 2.8.5 (RC0)
>> Hi all,
>>      I've created the first release candidate (RC0) for Apache
>> Hadoop 2.8.5. This is our next point release to follow up 2.8.4. It
>> includes 33 important fixes and improvements.
>>     The RC artifacts are available at:
>>     The RC tag in git is: release-2.8.5-RC0
>>     The maven artifacts are available via<
>>> at:
>>     Please try the release and vote; the vote will run for the usual 5
>> working
>> days, ending on 9/15/2018 PST time.
>> Thanks,
>> Junping
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