Hi everyone, I'm new to this list and MapServer and would like some help with an issue that I'm facing with MapServer.
I'm using the following request in order to get the closest feature from a layer given some specific coordinates: http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/medioambiente/mapwms/REDIAM_PPHH_2012/wfs?&VERSION=1.0.0&SERVICE=WFS&REQUEST=GetFeature&TYPENAME=MSPF_POLY&Filter=<Filter><DWithin><PropertyName>msGeometry</PropertyName><gml:Point<gml:coordinates>158380,4130457</gml:coordinates></gml:Point><Distance units='m'>10000</Distance></DWithin></Filter> It returns the following error: msWFSGetFeature(): WFS server error. Invalid or Unsupported FILTER in GetFeature : <Filter><DWithin><PropertyName>msGeometry</PropertyName><gml:Point<gml:coordinates>158380,4130457</gml:coordinates></gml:Point><Distance units='m'>10000</Distance></DWithin></Filter> But I don't know what could be wrong because the URL is based on the documentation example. I don't have control of the MapServer, but I have done a GetCapabilities request to the WFS server and it shows some warnings in the FeatureType for the layer: <FeatureType> <Name>MSPF_POLY</Name> <!-- WARNING: Mandatory metadata '..._title' was missing in this context. --> <Title>MSPF_POLY</Title> <SRS>EPSG:25830</SRS> <LatLongBoundingBox minx="100314" miny="3.98535e+06" maxx="615158" maxy="4.18983e+06"/> <!-- WARNING: Required Feature Id attribute (fid) not specified for this feature type. Make sure you set one of wfs_featureid, ows_featureid or gml_featureid metadata. --> </FeatureType> The point coordinates are in the same EPSG that the layer and The Filter_Capabilites seem to be OK too. So I don't know If I'm missing something. Thanks in advance. Fran Acuña
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