[mapserver-users] Render PostGIS points as raster layer

2015-09-15 Thread Adam Ryan
I have over 100 million rows in a PG table with geom type Point, srid=4326. The points represent timestamped centroids of raster cells. The data comes from sparse hourly 1km US grids; Only the cells with data, which is less than 1%, but still a lot of points. The PG table allows for a wealth of

Re: [mapserver-users] Difference in appearance between mode=map andWMS

2008-12-08 Thread Adam Ryan
Roger, I don't know if this would help, but I recently came across a similar problem which was fixed by adding the processing directive to the layer: PROCESSING RESAMPLE=NEAREST This fixed a problem when zooming in very close on a raster layer. Apparently without this, mapserver changes the