Re: [mapserver-users] Refreshing AWS credentials for the /vsis3/ driver

2016-10-25 Thread Mark Korver
The AWS SDKs take care of getting the keys made available to the EC2 instance via IAM Roles. But if you are running something custom you can get the key info using a meta data call. See this doc page.

Re: [mapserver-users] Remote MapFile

2016-03-22 Thread Mark Korver
This method is specific to Amazon EC2, but there is a gist located here that is an example of how to deploy a cluster of Mapservers using a remote map file AND data. Both map file and source geotiffs are accessed via HTTP because they both sit

Re: [mapserver-users] Update Mapserver at

2015-10-29 Thread Mark Korver
to me. -Mark Korver On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 2:31 AM, Rahkonen Jukka (MML) <> wrote: > Hi, > > > > I wrote last year > > and asked if it could be possible to up

Re: [mapserver-users] Announcing the new MS4W

2015-10-01 Thread Mark Korver
First of all, very nice work on MS4W. Maybe the next time I give a demo for AWS, I will flip from my Ubuntu based instances running on EC2 to Windows. In the interest of getting more people access to all of this effort, especially new users, I am wondering how much interest there is out there in

Re: [mapserver-users] Best integration with dynamic map information

2015-03-17 Thread Mark Korver
In order to serve a lot of requests you generally need to cache. That would be true of any query against a db, or against a shapefile. The point is, you don't want to go to db or to disk. In order make this happen for maps the usual pattern is to serve tiles. If your data gets updated every 5

[mapserver-users] large # of GeoTiffs mapfile/index strategy

2014-06-27 Thread Mark Korver
Hi Experts, I need a little advice on how to do lots of aerial image GeoTiffs quickly. I have a large region with many GeoTiffs covering 9 UTM zones. Typically I would put together a map file with layers per utm zone and use shapefile index to point at the GeoTiffs. I know that declaring the

Re: [mapserver-users] large # of GeoTiffs mapfile/index strategy

2014-06-27 Thread Mark Korver
Jukka, thank you for the reminder on -t_srs, I had forgotten about that. It makes sense if using the shapefile index to build that in the srs you plan to output. Now that I have been reminded of that feature of gdaltindex I can see that would be faster than parsing a large vrt file. Thanks. On

[mapserver-users] gdalinfo error on jp2 file

2013-12-10 Thread Mark Korver
Hi, This is more a gdal question than Mapserver, but I figured others have bumped into this problem already. My goal is to get this data working in Mapserver I am trying to work with NAIP 2012 jp2 files downloaded from the tnris.orgsite. You can see the announcement here. I am working with the

Re: [mapserver-users] Best way to do a batch reprojection (on windows)

2013-08-07 Thread Mark Korver
Strictly speaking you don't have to re-project all of the data. Mapserver can resample rasters on the fly into new projections. You can build a map file that references your different UTM zones as layers and serves up one WMS response as a jpeg image etc. However, this could be very slow

Re: [mapserver-users] poor raster image quality

2012-03-19 Thread Mark Korver
You need to upload your map file for anybody to be able to help on this. On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 5:13 AM, Mark Volz wrote: Hello, I am using mapserver to consume a wms air photo service, and reproject the image so that it can be used with a program that requires a wms

Re: [mapserver-users] how to create a base map and serve it with WMS

2011-07-21 Thread Mark Korver
How you approach this depends on a number of variables. Because rasters tend to stress both your server resources and network bandwidth to client, how far you go in optimizing your system is a function of the expected amount of data access ( # of users X frequency of access ), the expectations of

Re: [mapserver-users] Re: how to create a base map and serve it with WMS

2011-07-21 Thread Mark Korver
Yes, MapServer is all about making appropriately scaled maps on the fly, and lot more. To get started you need to go through a tutorial on MapServer, how to create map files, get base image layer working etc. I am not up to date on what good newbie tutorials are out there. Maybe somebody could

Re: [mapserver-users] Plotting points as a line from sqlite database

2011-06-30 Thread Mark Korver
Assuming you are using something like Openlayers as the client you could use json to return the data pts formatted as a linestring. This would give you better options to show attribute data as a popup etc. like in the example On Wed, Jun

Re: [mapserver-users] Google tile schema to coordinates conversion

2011-06-10 Thread Mark Korver
there is also code here On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 3:35 PM, Armin Burger wrote: I discovered now the conversion method in the Mapserver source code in maptile.c = msTileSetExtent(). armin On

Re: [mapserver-users] Fwd: Tile of tiles with tif images

2011-06-09 Thread Mark Korver
As Steve noted, if the input is TIF, then you prob want to be using gdaltindex rather than tile4ms. Now we want to put them together (the Tiles), say, first, all the tiles from the images of the same province, and later, all the tiles from the provinces of the same projection. when

Re: [mapserver-users] Fwd: Tile of tiles with tif images

2011-06-09 Thread Mark Korver
aproach we deliver fast images with low resolution and only the pertinent pieces in an higher resolution... Thanks for asking, any ideas? -JC -Mensaje original- De: Mark Korver [] Enviado el: Jueves, 09 de Junio de 2011 12:10 p.m. Para: Juan Carlos Fuchs

Re: [mapserver-users] Controling the amount of concurrent GetMap requests

2011-05-26 Thread Mark Korver
I would think that the thinking here is that a server only scales well to some number of concurrent requests. That beyond that number, all requests suffer. In this case it's better to queue the requests rather than try to process them, meaning queuing improves performance overall. On Thu, May

Re: [mapserver-users] Which is fastest? finding nearest point, or polygon?

2011-05-17 Thread Mark Korver
1. Can mapserver find the nearest point directly? If so, how do I set it up? normally this would be PostGIS query as in 2. Is this faster than finding the polygon the click is inside? I would

Re: VS: [mapserver-users] Mapserver search performance

2011-05-04 Thread Mark Korver
I agree with Andreas, if you just want to manipulate the shapefile and continue to use a moded shapefile with MapServer then Spatialite ( or ogr2ogr ) can help you, but if you want query flexibility with MapServer then postGIS is the way to go. On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 3:23 AM, Eichner, Andreas -

Re: VS: [mapserver-users] Mapserver search performance

2011-05-03 Thread Mark Korver
Spatialite jumps into my mind. On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 3:19 PM, Varun saraf wrote: Hi, Thanks a lot Andreas. That JOIN was the culprit as you rightly suggested. Once I removed the join, the performance increased exponentially. The 5

Re: [mapserver-users] Re: JPG Tile index in mapserver v5.6.3

2011-04-28 Thread Mark Korver
Great answer from Jukka, just adding abit. With jpg you have to have a world file. One work-around to that is to use tiff or more specifically Gtif/geotif which internally contains the world file/projection info so doesn't need a external world file. As Jukka explains the gtif way is better

Re: [mapserver-users] CLASS directive

2011-04-26 Thread Mark Korver
Maybe you can just define the layer 2X in the mapfile. Put the altered layer on top of the regular layer? I am assuming that you can get the good values to be transparent and not white. On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Matt Bartolome wrote: Hello, I have a funky raster I'm

Re: [mapserver-users] Mapserver as back-end for Google custom streetview?

2011-03-18 Thread Mark Korver
if you purpose is to replace the google base layer with something different this might help that allows you to use OSM as basemap. To use MapServer behind this rather than just getting from OSM, or CloudMade

Re: [mapserver-users] GeoWebCache WMS

2011-03-16 Thread Mark Korver
GlobalMapper has been updated in ver 12 to work with tiled services, but I have not tried WMS-C with it. MapServer will also work with tiled services from gdal ver 1.7+ see Another angle on this is to put MapProxy in front of it which is easy way to wms a tms

Re: [mapserver-users] WMS on top of Google maps API

2011-03-10 Thread Mark Korver
You need to be using png with transparency, not jpeg. Jpeg does not support transparency. format=image/png also transparent=true quick test is:

Re: [mapserver-users] Re: Raster dataset recommendations

2011-02-25 Thread Mark Korver
If you are merging tiles together to create 1 large tif, why would you need to create an index to it? I would think you would just directly reference the tif. so, rather than TILEINDEX ../data/myindex skip the index building steps just DATA ../data/big.tif On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 9:08 AM,

Re: [mapserver-users] TMS cache with Mapserver through GDAL_WMS and TileCache?

2011-02-03 Thread Mark Korver
On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 1:06 AM, Oliver Tonnhofer wrote: Hi Greg, On 02.02.2011, at 22:45, gregcorradini wrote: It sounds like I can use GDAL_WMS (example here to talk to a TMS cache or TileCache directly and get back

Re: [mapserver-users] Mapserver Storage

2011-01-28 Thread Mark Korver
There are ways to use S3 as the store for source images by using tools like s3fs (FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3) and writing front end code the intercepts the incoming WMS request, filters using a grid, then routes to the appropriate EC2 MapServer instance. This allows particular

Re: [mapserver-users] Mapserver Storage

2011-01-28 Thread Mark Korver
I think current S3 pricing for 50TB at 0.125/GB comes to about 6250/month.  That is for Designed for 99.9% Durability. I can't even count that many 9s. I know you can buy HDs for about $50/TB = $2500 for that 50TB. Assuming you replace them all once a year its still only $5000. But we

Re: [mapserver-users] Mapserver Storage

2011-01-28 Thread Mark Korver
for the required redundancy if you can call it that. On 1/29/2011 12:14 AM, Mark Korver wrote: I think current S3 pricing for 50TB at 0.125/GB comes to about 6250/month.  That is for Designed for 99.9% Durability.  I can't even count that many 9s.  I know you can buy HDs for about

Re: [mapserver-users] Mapserver Storage

2011-01-28 Thread Mark Korver
there is a lot analysis of EBS IO performance out there. like but I think, my earlier question, about the purpose of this mapserver system needs to be addressed to be able to go further. for example, if you are reading a lot of

[mapserver-users] White lines when reprojecting aerial photo

2010-12-21 Thread Mark Korver
Dont know if this relates to your problem, but its easy to check.  We normally  use the GD/JPEG driver when doing image data.  My understanding is that AGG is more useful for outputting vectors to PNG. Also, this will slow it down but in the raster layer PROCESSING RESAMPLE=BICUBIC rather than

Re: [mapserver-users] Specify NODATA for 3 bands?

2010-09-17 Thread Mark Korver
I think your halos are blacks that are not pure black. Not 0/0/0, just close. This is a compression artifact. I think the same thing also happens with jp2 CCMs. The NAIP CCMs/or County Compressed Mosaics were never meant to be mosaicked together like this. They are a deliverable at the county

Re: [mapserver-users] WMS Orthophoto performance

2010-08-02 Thread Mark Korver
Many things come into play to make the response time of MapServer long or short. But at a basic level the time required to get just the part of the image required in the source file(s) and the CPU time required to decode that part if compressed, are major factors in performance. ECW is wavelet,

Re: [mapserver-users] project on the fly through mapserver or openlayers?

2010-07-14 Thread Mark Korver
If all this is correct, I wondered if, for performance issues, it's better to reproject vectorial drawings with MapServer or OpenLayers. Depends on several things. If you just have small number of users on the system, MapServer may well give you all the performance you need. Plus its easy to

Re: [mapserver-users] Looking for advice for OGC Services Server hardware requirements

2010-03-15 Thread Mark Korver
We all know that benchmarking is no easy task. Benchmarking when you don't have the hardware in the first place makes things just a bit more difficult. I know this is not exactly the same thing. But cloud services, like Amazon EC2, which give you access to a number of base configurations, with