[MAPSERVER-USERS] Dynamic change in symbol size

2008-03-02 Thread cfb
Hi there, I would like to have dynamic symbols size in my WMS. I’m working with MS4W 2.2.7. (MapServer 5.0). I have a point layer with 7 class and pixmap symbols (png) associated. I don´t know if there’s a way to change the size of the symbols when I zoom in the map (I’d like to put them bigger

[MAPSERVER-USERS] BoundingBox SRS of the GetCapabilities

2008-03-05 Thread cfb
Hi there, I'm testing the GetCapabilities of my WMS (working with MapServer 5.0.2 CGI for Windows), and comparing it with others WMS. Regardless of the projections of the layers (EPSG 23030), I've realized that the Boundingbox of the header and of each layer depends on the order of the SRS list (

[MAPSERVER-USERS] Missing required parameter BBOX

2008-03-05 Thread cfb
Hi again, I'm having problems with the projections of my WMS (working with MapServer 5.0.2 for Windows). I've changed the SRS of the header's mapfile into EPSG 4326 (before it was EPSG 23030), and also the epsg of one layer (which reference system I'd already changed to 4326). I'd left the other

[MAPSERVER-USERS] GetCapabilities error + bip format

2008-03-10 Thread cfb
Hello, I have some doubts, I'm working with MS4W 2.2.7, any answer will be really appreciated... 1) When I get the wms GetCapabilities, at the beginning of the document it's write "VendorSpecificCapabilities EMPTY", why?: http://schemas.opengis.net/wms/1.1.1/WMS_MS_Capabilities.dtd"; [ ]>

[MAPSERVER-USERS] cs2cs problems

2008-03-17 Thread cfb
Hi, I’m having problems with the projection again. I’ve got a shape in epsg:23030 (ED50 UTM 30N), but I want to set my service in epsg:4230 (ETRS89). I’ve changed the extent, the "wms_boundingbox" and the "wms_latlonboundingbox" of my header’s mapfile to geographic coordinates (epsg:4230 for ED50

Re: [MAPSERVER-USERS] PostGIS data in EPSG:31300 using for Google Maps overlay

2008-04-09 Thread cfb
Hi Steven, I had the same problems, my data were in EPSG:23030 but when I wanted to overlay my WMS in Google Earth, even If I'd included EPSG:4326 in the wms_srs list, It showed a difference between my map and Google. So, first of all, you must include the 4326 in your wms_srs list (in the header