[mapserver-users] MapServer CGI Controls doc web page

2011-03-27 Thread iomeneandrei
Dear all, today I tried a CGI itemquery command and I have had qstring_validation_pattern error. I have solved searching in this mailing list (thank you), but I found nothing about it in CGI documentation. I think that the sentence you have in MapServer 4.10 to 5.0 Migration doc web page - "the q

[mapserver-users] Help about MapServer Join ONE-TO-MANY

2011-03-27 Thread iomeneandrei
Dear all, I'm not able to use templates with MapServer Join ONE-TO-MANY and ITEMQUERY. I have this kind of CGI query: http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/servr/map.map&mode=ITEMQUERY&QLAYER=Test&QITEM=COD_PUNTO&QSTRING=COD_3142 This query runs ok and I have the right result. Then I added a

[mapserver-users] Re: Help about MapServer Join ONE-TO-MANY [SOLVED]

2011-03-27 Thread iomeneandrei
Hi all, I have found the reply in this great message: http://tinyurl.com/5uanceu I think that this sentence "LAYER template functions only to redirect to the JOIN template. The redirect is done with a template tag of the format: [join_joinname] (literal word join followed by underscore then the J

[mapserver-users] template item formatting options and joined table

2011-03-28 Thread iomeneandrei
Dear all, I have an ITEMQUERY on a layer with a join object inside (ONE-TO-MANY). I would like to format the results using template item formatting options. Is it possible to use them with the items of joined table? I have applied it using this kind of syntax [item name="relationname_field" pre

[mapserver-users] RE: template item formatting options and joined table

2011-03-28 Thread iomeneandrei
Dear Steve, Lime, Steve D (DNR) wrote: > > It's not possible yet. Joined items aren't handled in the same fashion as > regular items. This is an oversight on my part. There is a need to add a > new one-to-many template block but it slipped off my radar. If you'd file > a ticket and assign to me I

[mapserver-users] RE: MapServer CGI Controls doc web page

2011-03-28 Thread iomeneandrei
Once again thank to you both. Best regards, Andrea - Andrea Borruso email: aborr...@tin.it website: http://blog.spaziogis.it my 2.0 life: http://aborruso.spaziogis.it feed: http://feeds2.feedburner.com/Tanto 38° 7' 48" N, 13° 21' 9" E ---

[mapserver-users] Itemquery and postGIS

2011-05-23 Thread iomeneandrei
Dear all, I have a strange problem using Itemquery and postGIS. I make a query using this URL: http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/mymap.map&mode=ITEMQUERY&QLAYER=Utenz&QITEM=ulm&QSTRING=130 I have this error: prepare_database(): Query error. Error declaring cursor: ERROR: argument of AND mu

[mapserver-users] Re: Itemquery and postGIS

2011-05-23 Thread iomeneandrei
Dear All, my right query URL is: http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/mymap.map&mode=ITEMQUERY&QLAYER=Utenz&QITEM=ULM&QSTRING=504421 Thank you - Andrea Borruso email: aborr...@tin.it website: http://blog.spaziogis.it my 2.0 life: htt

[mapserver-users] Re: Itemquery and postGIS

2011-05-24 Thread iomeneandrei
Dear all, I have solved. I have changed my query URL inserting two time the name of my field and using URL Escape Codes for "=" character. My URL now is: http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/mymap.map&mode=ITEMQUERY&QLAYER=Utenz&QITEM=ULM&QSTRING=ULM%3D504421 This is a solution but I think t

[mapserver-users] OT: OSGeo Gallery

2011-05-27 Thread iomeneandrei
Dear all, I do not know who manage OSGeo Gallery webpage - http://gallery.osgeo.org/ -, but there are a lot of website that do not seems to me OSGeo related. Probably this page needs a sort of moderation. Best regards, a - Andrea Borruso

[mapserver-users] Re: Postgis itemquery help

2011-05-27 Thread iomeneandrei
Hi niko, first of all try to activate error log file in mapserver: CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "/tmp/mapserver.log" Then I think you should escape some character in your query URL. In example "&qstring=(%5Bcynara%5D%3E1.0)" and not "&qstring=([cynara] > 1.0)". This is a page with some URL Escape Cod